On the 19th of March, we had a personal appeal from a friend at St George’s Hospital who has worked there for over 23 years. She is much loved and is an inspirational woman who runs the London Marathon to raise money for a variety of charities.

In her appeal, she asked for a box of biscuits and things for the nurses to snack on – and in 24 hours, she had amassed three large bin bags of goodies.

That’s when we spoke to her and said we would try and help provide some food – other than chocolates!

So much has happened since then – its difficult to put into words – but we are now delivering over 300 meals a day to exhausted frontline staff who aren’t able to buy provisions (Pret A Manger closed in the hospital, for example) – so this quickly became a real NEED as opposed to something nice to do.

We have been inundated with kindness – but most importantly – we have managed to put together a good supply chain (working with Mustard Foods, a family-run business who up until 2 weeks ago were supplying over 32 UK restaurant chains including Leon with 30 tonnes of food a week – 17 000 portions a day).

We are building a supply chain to maintain supply to St George’s for the foreseeable future and scale to support the growing number of requests to supply other hospitals including the new NHS Nightingale 4000-bed emergency facility being set up at ExCel.

None of this would be possible with your support and the appropriate funding in place.